Saturday, May 14, 2016

Saturday Stuff

Saturdays around our house are filled with NASCAR this time of year.
Racing is my sons favorite. He loves all of it. The Trucks,Sprint Cup,Xfinity,ARCA,and all it's affiliates.
 Me, I putter around the house. I spend time in the kitchen,doing laundry and things I enjoy. I have time to update blogs,organize,and pamper me.
Today,I made us breakfast,set out the bag of can foods for the Post Office Food drive,and decided what essential oils to diffuse. Today it was YL Thieves and Lemon as it was cloudy and cool this morning I thought it would cozy things up.

After the mail ran,I got a nice thank you note from my mail carrier for contributing to the Food Drive. It made me smile. Breakfast was English breakfast tea,a breakfast bar,maple link sausage,and a clementine.  Sean, ate a breakfast cookie,instead and had a chocolate boost  with his.  

So he was settled watching practice and the Xfinity race,I worked on a few DIY graphics and a post over on Facebook. I am discussing using the oils in the Young Living  Premium Starter Kit, Head to Toe. I also did a update to my Instagram and Pinterest. I had to do a load of laundry too, and that sparked another post. LOL 
I had a few yarn balls of wool to make Wool Dryer Balls scented with my YL Lavender and I use White Vinegar and Lemon in my washers Softener dispenser,and my Thieves Detergent is not in yet,so I added a capful of Thieves Cleanser to my detergent. You can add 5-6 drops of the Thieves Essential oils if you don't have the Cleanser. Smells fresh and clean. 

It rained on and off all day and we were totally lazy today. Tomorrow is the Sprint Cup race at Dover and my ex husband will come over to watch with my son. I will put something in the slow cooker and go visit my dear Mom.  You can find my graphics on the section for DIY and Crafts.  I hope your Saturday was a peaceful and enjoyable as mine.  Thanks for stopping by and come again.